

Hier staat alles wat ik in de toekomst nog graag zou willen hebben.
Here is everything what I would really love to have in the future.

2. Bijoux
4. Girl Feeding Peacocks
5. Inheritance MH
6. Lady of the Lake
7. Posky in reflection
8. Sister Moon (Supersized max. colors)
9. Small Magellenic cloud (Supersized max.      colors)
10. Sorrow
11. Idylle (Supersized)
12. Moongodess (Supersized max. colors)


1. 1630 NovaTotius (XL)
2. Cartographica (XL)
3. Eternal Londen (White)
4. Eternal New York (White)
5. Eternal Paris (White)
6. Eternal Rome (White)
7. I will wait (Grundsten)
8. Journey
9. Planets align 1
10. Planets align lll
11. Planets align lV
12. Planets align Vl
13. Planets align Vll
14. Planets align Vlll
15. Wild white beauty (Grundsten)

European Crosstitch company

1. Alpine seasons Garden

En de lijst zal nog groeien..
And the list will grow...

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